Custom Post Type

WordPress – Test if the Current Page is a Custom Post Type

Custom post types allow you to create unique content beyond the usual posts and pages. But what if you need to know if a user is viewing a specific custom post type? There are ways to check if the current page is a custom post type. 

In this article, we’ll help you identify custom post types.

Ways to Test if the Current Page Is a Custom Post Type

You can use WordPress functions like get_post_type() or is_singular() to check if the current page is of a specific custom post type. Using these practical methods, you can check.

1. Use get_post_type()

The get_post_type() function returns the current page’s post type. This straightforward method works well when targeting a specific custom post type.

Here’s a simple code example:


Copy code

if ( get_post_type() == ‘portfolio’ ) {

    // Code to run if the page is a portfolio post

    echo ‘This is a portfolio post.’;


Keep this in mind:

  • This code checks if the current post type is a portfolio.
  • If true, it displays the message “This is a portfolio post.”

You can add this code to your theme’s functions.php file or use it in a template file.

2. Use is_singular()

The is_singular() function checks if the current page is a single post of a specific type. Here’s how to use it:


Copy code

if ( is_singular(‘portfolio’) ) {

    // Code to run if the page is a single portfolio post

    echo ‘This is a single portfolio post.’;


Keep this in mind:

  • This code checks if the current page is a single post of the type portfolio.
  • You can customize it to perform specific actions for the portfolio post type.

3. Test for Multiple Custom Post Types

You can extend the code using in_array() to check for multiple post types.

if ( in_array( get_post_type(), array( ‘portfolio’, ‘event’, ‘testimonial’ ) ) ) {

    echo ‘This is a custom post type.’;


Keep this in mind:

  • This code checks if the current post type is portfolio, event, or testimonial.
  • It runs the code inside the block if the condition is actual.

4. Use Hooks to Apply Conditional Styling

You can also use these functions to apply CSS or scripts conditionally for custom post types.

add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘custom_post_type_styles’ );

function custom_post_type_styles() {

    if ( get_post_type() == ‘portfolio’ ) {

        wp_enqueue_style( ‘portfolio-style’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/css/portfolio.css’ );



Keep this in mind:

  • This example uses the wp_enqueue_scripts hook to load a specific CSS file for the portfolio post type.

5. Customize the Header or Footer Based on Post Type

You can also use these functions to change the header or footer dynamically.

if ( get_post_type() == ‘event’ ) {

    get_template_part( ‘header’, ‘event’ );

} else {



Keep this in mind:

  • If the current page is an event post, it loads a custom event header.
  • Otherwise, it loads the default header.

Where to Add the Code

You can place the code snippets in:

  1. functions.php: If you need the logic to apply globally.
  2. Template Files: If you want the changes to apply only to specific templates, like single.php or archive.php.
  3. Plugins: If you prefer keeping custom code outside your theme files, you can create a custom plugin.

Use this for debugging.

Try these quick debugging tips if your code is not working as expected. They will help you debug the error. 

  • Use var_dump( get_post_type() ) to see the post type on the current page.
  • Ensure the custom post type is registered correctly in your theme or plugin.
  • Test on different pages to ensure the code behaves as expected.

Also, check some of these community posts for advanced debugging.


Testing if a WordPress page is a custom post type, helps you customize how your website works. Whether you use get_post_type() or is_singular(), these functions allow you to control how pages look and behave based on their post type.