Job board on wordpress

How to Create a Job Board On WordPress

Creating a job board on WordPress is a fantastic way to connect job seekers with employers. WordPress makes the process straightforward, whether you’re starting a job board for a specific industry or a general one. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create a job board on WordPress in layman’s terms.

Step 1: Setting Up Your WordPress Site

  1. Choose a Domain and Hosting:
  • Domain: This is your website’s address (like Choose something catchy and relevant.
  • Hosting: This is where your website lives on the internet. Popular options include Bluehost, SiteGround, and WP Engine.
  1. Install WordPress:
  • Most hosting providers offer a one-click WordPress installation. Look for this in your hosting dashboard and follow the prompts.

Step 2: Picking the Right Theme

  1. Choose a Theme:
  • A theme determines the look and feel of your site. For a job board, you’ll want a theme that supports job listings. Some popular job board themes include:
    • Jobify
    • WorkScout
    • JobRoller
  • You can install your chosen theme by going to your WordPress dashboard, navigating to Appearance > Themes, and clicking Add New.

Step 3: Installing a Job Board Plugin

  1. Select a Job Board Plugin:
  • Plugins add functionality to your WordPress site. The most popular plugin for job boards is WP Job Manager.
  • To install it, go to your WordPress dashboard, click Plugins > Add New, and search for WP Job Manager. Click Install Now and then Activate.
  1. Configure the Plugin:
  • After activation, you’ll see a new Job Listings section in your dashboard.
  • Go to Job Listings > Settings to configure the plugin. You can set up job submission forms, manage job listings, and more here.

Step 4: Adding Job Listings

  1. Add Job Listings Manually:
  • Go to Job Listings > Add New.
  • Fill in the job details, such as title, description, location, and job type, and then publish the job when you’re done.
  1. Allow Employers to Submit Jobs:
  • Create a page for job submission by going to Pages > Add New.
  • Use the shortcode [submit_job_form] to add a job submission form to the page.
  • Now, employers can submit jobs directly through your website.

Step 5: Displaying Job Listings

  1. Create a Job Listings Page:
  • Create a new page by going to Pages > Add New.
  • Use the shortcode [jobs] to display job listings on this page.
  • Customize the display settings in the WP Job Manager settings if needed.

Step 6: Customizing Your Job Board

  1. Customize the Appearance:
  • Use your theme’s customization options to change colors, fonts, and layouts.
  • Go to Appearance > Customize to start tweaking the look of your site.
  1. Add Additional Functionality:
  • You can extend your job board’s features with additional plugins like:
    • Applications: Allow users to apply directly through your site.
    • Resume Manager: Enable job seekers to upload their resumes.
    • Job Alerts: Let users set up email alerts for new job postings.

Step 7: Promoting Your Job Board

  1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization):
  • Use an SEO plugin like Yoast SEO to optimize your job listings for search engines.
  • Write descriptive job titles and descriptions to help your listings rank better.
  1. Social Media:
  • Share job listings on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to reach a broader audience.
  1. Email Marketing:
  • Build an email list and send out regular newsletters with featured job listings.

Step 8: Managing Your Job Board

  1. Monitor Job Listings:
  • Regularly check and approve job submissions to ensure quality.
  • Remove expired or filled positions to keep the board up-to-date.
  1. Engage with Users:
  • Respond to inquiries from both job seekers and employers promptly.
  • Gather feedback to improve the user experience continually.


Creating a job board on WordPress is manageable, even for beginners. Following these steps, you can set up a functional and attractive job board connecting employers with job seekers. Keep your site updated, promote it regularly, and engage with your users to build a thriving job board community.