wordpress footer

How to Edit WordPress Footer

Often overlooked, a WordPress website’s footer is a powerhouse of information, user experience, and brand identity. Customizing the footer can personalize your site, add crucial links, and even incorporate custom scripts.

This guide will delve into various methods for editing the WordPress footer, empowering you to enhance your site’s functionality and branding.

Understanding the WordPress Footer: 

The footer section of a WordPress website typically appears at the bottom of every page. It commonly contains information such as copyright notices, links to important pages, social media icons, and sometimes additional scripts or tracking codes. WordPress themes usually come with predefined footer designs, but they can be customized to align with your site’s unique requirements.

Methods to Edit the WordPress Footer:

  1. Theme Customizer:
    • Navigate to Appearance > Customize in your WordPress dashboard.
    • Look for the Footer section or a similar option, depending on your theme.
    • Here, you can often modify the footer text, add custom HTML or shortcodes, and sometimes rearrange or add widgets to the footer area.
    • Make your desired changes and preview them in real-time before saving.
  2. Theme Files:
    • You can edit your theme’s footer.php file for more advanced customization.
    • Access your WordPress installation via FTP or the File Manager in your hosting control panel.
    • Navigate to wp-content/themes/your-theme-folder/footer.php.
    • Open footer.php using a text editor.
    • Add, remove, or modify HTML, CSS, or PHP code to customize the footer.
    • Remember to save your changes and upload the modified file to your server.
  3. Using Child Themes:
    • When editing theme files directly, using a child theme is highly recommended. This prevents your changes from being overwritten during theme updates, ensuring your custom footer remains intact, and your hard work doesn’t go to waste.
    • Create a child theme if you haven’t already.
    • Copy the footer.php file from the parent theme to your child theme directory.
    • Make your modifications in the child theme’s footer.php file instead.
  4. WordPress Widgets:
    • Many themes allow you to customize the footer using widgets.
    • Navigate to Appearance > Widgets in your WordPress dashboard.
    • Depending on your theme, you may see footer widget areas labeled Footer 1, Footer 2, etc.
    • Drag and drop widgets like Text, Custom HTML, or any other available widgets into the footer areas.
    • Configure each widget with your desired content, such as links, images, or custom scripts.
  5. Using Plugins:
    • There are several WordPress plugins available specifically for footer customization.
    • Search for and install a plugin that suits your requirements, such as “Insert Headers and Footers” or “Footer Putter.”
    • Once installed, configure the plugin settings to add custom scripts, HTML, or other content to your footer without directly editing theme files.

You can also check the official guidelines for changing the footer.

Best Practices for Editing the WordPress Footer:

  • Keep it simple: Avoid cluttering the footer with excessive information.
  • Maintain consistency: Ensure that the footer design aligns with the overall aesthetics of your website.
  • After making changes to your footer, it’s crucial to test your website thoroughly across different devices and browsers. This step ensures that your website remains compatible and functional, providing a seamless user experience.
  • Backup regularly: Before making significant changes to theme files or installing plugins, always back up your WordPress site to prevent data loss if something goes wrong. You can use a backup plugin like Updraft Plus or All-in-one WP Migration.


Customizing the WordPress footer is not just about enhancing your website’s functionality and branding. It’s about empowering you to shape your site’s identity. Whether adding essential links, custom scripts, or personalized messages, the methods outlined in this guide give you the tools to tailor the footer to your needs.