Too Many JavaScript and CSS Files

How to Solve Issues with Too Many JavaScript and CSS Files

When creating or maintaining a website, it’s essential to consider the number of JavaScript and CSS files used. A webpage using more than a hundred of these files can lead to several issues. A website that loads slowly can frustrate users, leading to a poor user experience. People are likelier to leave a website if it takes too long to load, increasing the bounce rate. Additionally, search engines like Google prioritize fast-loading websites in their rankings. Slow websites are less likely to appear at the top of search results, significantly impacting your website’s visibility and traffic.

Addressing excessive JavaScript and CSS files is crucial to ensuring a smooth user experience and maintaining good search engine rankings. Fixing this problem is not just about improving load times; it’s also about complying with Core Web Vitals, a set of performance metrics defined by Google that are essential for delivering a good user experience.

This guide will explain why this is an issue and offer simple solutions to fix it.

Why Too Many JavaScript and CSS Files Are a Problem

Whenever someone visits a webpage, their browser must load various supportive files to display the page correctly. These files include JavaScript (which adds functionality) and CSS (which styles the page). Each file requires a separate HTTP request. Here’s what happens when you have too many of these files:

  1. Increased Page Load Time: More files mean more requests, each of which takes time, slowing down the page load.
  2. Slower Rendering: As the browser processes each file, it takes longer for the page to render fully.
  3. Poor User Experience: Slow-loading pages frustrate users, leading to a higher bounce rate (people leaving the site quickly).
  4. Negative Impact on SEO: Search engines favor faster websites, so slow load times can hurt your rankings and lead to page indexing issues.

Solutions to Reduce JavaScript and CSS Files

To address this problem, you must streamline the number of JavaScript and CSS files your website uses. Here are some effective strategies:

  1. Review and Remove Unnecessary Files:

    • Audit Your Files: Go through your website’s JavaScript and CSS files. Identify which ones are essential and which ones are not.
    • Remove Redundant Files: Delete any files that are not necessary for your page’s functionality or appearance.
  2. Combine Files:

    • Combine JavaScript Files: Merge multiple JavaScript files into one or a few files, reducing the number of HTTP requests.
    • Combine CSS Files: Similarly, merge multiple CSS files into one or a few. This helps the browser load styles faster.
    • Use Build Tools: Tools like Webpack, Gulp, or Grunt can automate combining files and optimize them by removing unnecessary code (minification).
  3. Use Asynchronous Loading:

    • Asynchronous JavaScript: Where possible, Load JavaScript files asynchronously. This allows the browser to load other elements while waiting for the JavaScript to load.
    • Deferred Loading: Defer loading non-critical JavaScript until after the main content has loaded. This helps speed up the initial load time.
  4. Use Content Delivery Networks (CDNs):

    • CDNs for Libraries: If you use shared libraries (like jQuery), load them from a CDN. CDNs are optimized for fast delivery and can reduce the load on your server.
    • Custom CDNs: Host your own JavaScript and CSS files on a CDN. This can improve load times by serving files from locations closer to your users.
  5. Optimize Your Code:

    • Minify JavaScript and CSS: Minification removes whitespace and unnecessary characters from your code, making it smaller and faster to load.
    • Tree Shaking: For JavaScript, use tree shaking to remove unused code from your final bundle.
  6. Lazy Load Non-Critical Files:

    • Lazy Load Scripts: Only load scripts when they are needed. For example, load a script when a user scrolls to a particular part of the page or interacts with a specific element.
    • Lazy Load Styles: Apply the same concept to CSS by only loading styles when necessary.


You can significantly improve your website’s performance by reviewing your JavaScript and CSS files, combining them, and using techniques like asynchronous loading and CDNs. These optimizations lead to faster load times, better user experience, and improved search engine rankings. Regularly auditing and optimizing your web assets is key to maintaining a fast and efficient website.